I just did a restorative yoga class with the brilliant make+move where Lucy pointed out that ‘your body is your first ever home’.
I’ve never heard it described like this – but what a brilliant way to think of the body/mind connection.
As someone who has often felt homesick when travelling, I wish I had that about it like this when I was a younger. I can come home anytime I like. I can come home to the breath, to my connection to the earth (the literal one through my feet), to my heart, my stomach, my core person.
Unfortunately, we forget how to connect back to ourselves. We disconnect from our bodies so that we can push them on and on, doing, achieving, getting… not stopping.
So – stop – take some time. Give whatever time you can, right now, to stop, to come back, to feel what it feels like to be inside your body right now.
You can do it:
- In a breath (do it now, just take a great big, slow breath in and out)…
- In a movement (have a wriggle where you are)…
- In a body scan (shut your eyes and scan up your body, checking in with each part)…
- In a yoga class…
- In a massage…
Whatever you choose – you can do it!
However big or small, just check in with yourself. Really find out how you are… From there you can start to take proper care of your beautiful home.